Welcome to Photo-Sam

"Its an illusion that photos are made with the camera...they are made with the eye, heart and head" - Henri Cartier-Bresson

Sam´s Equine photography

Since I can remember I am bonded to these strong and gently animals. As a little girl I already spend every free minute in the stable and still today horses play a big part of my daily life. I have a deep connection with my two soulhorses Perseus and Hemingway and try to transport these connection of a horse and its owner through my photography. I want to portrait the horse in way that shows his character in a natural and fenceless environment. Because a horse means freedom for us and our hearts. 

Sam´s Dog phtography

I met and photographed many dogsand cats in my last years as a photographer and one thing its for sure: every dog as a pure and inimitable character. It so much fun to photograph these fast and energetic animals with the heart at the right place and a whole world reflecting in their eyes. 

Sam´s CAT phtography

Sam´s wedding photography

No wedding photography available 2022/2023

Sam Gostner

Hoof & Paw Photographer 

Based in Northamptonshire / UK


mobil UK: +44 / 7365 440 370



Follow me on Facebook & Instagram: Sam Gostner Photography